FAQ: will they be sparring?
Answer: Yes as we are a sport club, but they will not be sparring until they have the skills to do so and are ready (we role it a bit slow to ensure they don't go through any emotional issues)
FAQ: how do I sign my child up?
Answer: you can sign up at www.WYSASPORTS.com and hit the Wimberley Boxing Club button to walk you through.
FAQ: how much does it cost? and how old can they be?
Answer: We set up the program by age and school groups..
* Elementary School ages starting at 7yrs are $65 a month
* Junior High School and High School ages are $75 a month
FAQ: is there an annual commitment / contract?
Answer: No
FAQ: where are you located?
Answer: 19 Las Flores BLDG# 200, Wimberley TX 78676
its the Old Busby Gym building across from Subway.
FAQ: Can I pay for a year in advance?
Answer: Yes
FAQ: any discounts for multiple children from the same household?
Answer: Yes, we drop $25 a month for additional kids and cap it at $200 a month.
FAQ: Is there equipment we need to buy before the first class?
Answer: NO, we show you what to get and will have some on site.
FAQ: Who can I contact for more information?
Answer: Coach Dan Dunn at [email protected]